Inflight Shuttles Cape Town
Cape Town Shuttles and Airport Transfers
Cape Town shuttle service and airport transfers
Cape Town accommodation
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Inflight Shuttles
- Cape Town Shuttle/Airport Transfer Service


Inflight Shuttles is based in Cape Town and is the premier choice for airport transfers and shuttle services in the Western Cape .

With our competitive rates and outstanding service, Inflight Shuttles is the logical choice. Our Cape Town shuttle service operates across the Cape peninsula both to and from Cape Town International Airport.

We can accommodate your travel needs as far afield as Saldanha, Worcester and Hermanus. Inflight Shuttles employees deliver a prompt, safe and efficient transport service that will have you coming back for all you Cape Town shuttle / transfer needs. What's more, we are only a phone call away.


To view any accommodation in any of the areas below please click on the name of the area. This will take you to the accommodation available in that area
(Prices valid for 1 or 2 passengers, R50 extra per person thereafter to a maximum of 6. For groups larger than 6, please contact us via email)

For a full selection of suburbs please click on the drop down above.

To view any accommodation in any of the areas below please click on the name of the area. This will take you to the accommodation available in that area.

Click on Area to see included Suburbs
Airport IndustriaR 250 GansbaaiR 2500 PinehurstR 450
AthloneR 300 GoodwoodR 300 PinelandsR 300
AtlantisR 750 Gordon's BayR 500 PlattekloofR 340
BellvilleR 350 GrabouwR 650 PlumsteadR 360
Betty's BayR 850 GugulethuR 200 Pringle BayR 750
Big BayR 490 HermanusR 1600 RobertsonR 2500
BloubergR 440 Hout BayR 460 RondeboschR 300
Blue DownsR 300 Kalk BayR 500 SaldanhaR 2500
BrackenfellR 380 KhayelitshaR 350 ScarboroughR 700
CaledonR 1500 KleinmondR 1600 Sea PointR 380
Camps BayR 450 KommetjieR 650 Simon's TownR 650
Cape TownR 350 KraaifonteinR 400 Somerset WestR 440
CeresR 1650 KuilsrivierR 350 StellenboschR 460
ConstantiaR 420 KylemoreR 520 StrandR 420
DarlingR 950 LangebaanR 1800 Sunset BeachR 380
De WijnlandenR 350 LlandudnoR 490 Table ViewR 420
DelftR 350 MalmesburyR 750 TokaiR 420
DurbanvilleR 440 MelkbosstrandR 490 TulbaghR 1500
DuynefonteinR 530 MilnertonR 350 Tyger ValleyR 350
EdgemeadR 360 Mitchells PleinR 300 UitzichtR 450
EppingR 260 MuizenbergR 440 Val Da Vie Lifestyle EstateR 680
FisantekraalR 490 NewlandsR 300 WellingtonR 800
Fish HoekR 550 NoordhoekR 550 WorcesterR 1200
FranschhoekR 900 PaarlR 600 YserfonteinR 1100
FresnayeR 380 ParowR 300
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